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The story goes in our family that this baby had terrible, terrible colic – and it did not help that she had red hair, too, because – with all that crying – her face turned the same color as her hair.  Well, the good grandmother stepped in and told her daughter to give that baby chamomile tea. The dad scoffed at the idea – “Old wives tale,” he purportedly snorted.  Well, the chamomile tea helped lots!  To this day, that baby – me – still enjoys chamomile tea.

Maybe my love for herbs began then.  I just know that all my life I have adored herbs.  Of course, my Italian grandmother used lots of herbs in her cooking, which she had grown in her garden.  I cannot imagine life without basil, oregano, mint, sage or chives.

In the past couple of years, I have learned more about the culinary, medicinal, and cleaning properties of herbs.  I love taking classes at Denver’s Apothecary Tinctura and Artemisia and Rue, and in Palisade during the Colorado Lavender Festival.  Some of my favorite books on the subject include: “Homegrown Herbs,” by Colorado author Tammi Hartung, “Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health,” and “The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy,” by Valerie Ann Worwood.

Recently, I took a class at Apothecary Tinctura on lotion making.  We were given a list from “Mother Earth Living” magazine of dangerous ingredients to avoid when buying cosmetics and other products. I was particularly interested in those that affect the endocrine system and the thyroid and those with cancer causing carcinogens. My body, particularly my thyroid and bones, need all the support I can muster.  The “Big C,” as cancer is referred to, is nothing I want.  It has claimed too many friends and family members.

I did not realize how many products I use contain petroleum byproducts, which are injurious to health. Good grief. If I want to live a long healthy life, I don’t need toxic goods, nor do I want to support the petroleum industry.  Every night before I go to bed I had smeared on white petroleum jelly, Vaseline, on my lips.  Well, no more.  I now use Burt’s Bees Rejuvenating Lip Balm.

At the top of the list were printed two websites: www.safecosmetics.org and www.ewg.org/skindeep/ .  The first is an advocacy group.  I learned that this past December Revlon has agreed to eliminate all toxic chemicals from their cosmetics.  The group is calling upon other large companies, including L’Oreal, to do the same. The second is a database of ingredients.  It ranks products by hazard level.  Vaseline has a high hazard level.

I have used L’Oreal lipstick for years.  No more.  I investigated non-toxic lipstick at several stores, including Apothecary Tinctura, Natural Grocers – Vitamin Cottage and Sprouts.  I learned about a delightful boutique that only sells organic cosmetics in the West Highlands neighborhood, on 32nd Avenue, Vert Beauty. Well, ladies, next time you see me, please admire my new lipstick!!

Makeup and herbs make sense to me!